7 Common Leadership Weaknesses and How to overcome Them

Lastly Updated: May 29th, 2024

A woman with tablet in her hand looking forward steadfastly

Leaders are not angels! 

They can make mistakes if such a leader is unaware of their leadership weaknesses.

A good leader always inspires and motivates employees, and as well drives the organization towards achieving its goals. The fact, there is no perfect leader and every leader has their limitations and weaknesses. 

Leadership weaknesses can greatly interrupt and hinder their ability to effectively lead, control, and manage their team. Therefore, leaders must identify and address their weaknesses to become effective and better leaders.

In this blog post, we will discuss the 7 most common leadership weaknesses and provide tips on overcoming them.

By addressing these weaknesses, leaders can improve their skills, build stronger relationships with their teams, and drive their organizations toward noticeable success.

What are the top 3 leadership skills?

Every successful people and leaders manifest the top 3 leadership skills. This includes:

  1. Have adequate knowledge for delegation of responsibility
  2. Be a vibrant source of inspiration and motivation at all times.
  3. Master effective communication. Avoid and improve on any symptoms of poor communication skills and poor listening skills.

What are 3 qualities that most successful leaders have?

To be a successful leader, there are certain leadership skills you must have. These are Integrity, a heart for others (Compassion), and finally strong determination spirit.

#1 Lack of Communication Skills

A group of male and female surrounding a their boss man standing in the middle

Effective communication is one of the vital life skills for any leader or whoever is aspiring to become a leader. 

Unhealthy and poor communication skills can lead to mistakes, misunderstandings, and conflicts that can ruin or harm the organization. 

This makes a strong leader. The key is maintaining personal development and also embracing lifelong education.

A leader who is void of sufficient or lacks communication skills may struggle to convey their ideas and opinions, listen actively to their team, or provide feedback effectively.

Some noticeable causes of lack of communication skills include lack of training, language barriers, cultural differences, or personality traits such as shyness or aggressiveness.

The outcome effects or consequences of poor communication on leadership can include poor performance, a lack of trust, decreased employee engagement, and missed opportunities for growth and innovation.

Discover the secrets to better communication skills, leaders can practice active listening, always ask questions to clarify their understanding, use clear and concise messaging, and be aware of their non-verbal communication. 

Most importantly, leaders can seek feedback from their team to identify areas for improvement, and adjustment and invest in training programs to enhance their communication skills. 

By improving their communication skills, leaders can build vibrant and stronger relationships with their teams, enhance collaboration, and drive their organizations toward success. You can also find out how to make effective eye contact as a leader.

#2 Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence implies having a full and accurate understanding of oneself, one's emotions, and those of others. It is the most essential aspect of effective leadership as it empowers leaders to build long-term and strong relationships with their team members, encourage and motivate them, and make better decisions.

Low emotional intelligence can be a result of upbringing, lack of emotional regulation skills, and limited exposure to diverse emotions. This can negatively affect leaders being unable to recognize, identify, and manage their own emotions, and likewise the emotions of their team members.

The consequences of low emotional intelligence on leadership can be damaging, as it can lead to poor communication, ineffective decision-making, and a lack of empathy towards team members. This will also affect the team morale, high turnover rates, and decreased productivity.

In other to improve emotional intelligence, leaders should thereby focus on developing their self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, motivation, and social skills. 

Leaders can also engage themselves in practicing mindfulness, seeking feedback from others, learning to manage stress and negative emotions, practicing active listening, and building strong relationships with team members. 

In addition, leaders can work to cultivate a growth mindset for winning in life, prioritize self-care, always seek new knowledge, and grow as leaders.

#3 Micromanagement

Micromanagement is a leadership mode of operation or style where a manager supervises, monitors, and controls the work and activities of their employees, often to an excessive degree. 

Most importantly, a lack of effective management leads to a lack of trust between the leader and the team, as well as increases stress and frustration on the part of the employees.

The possible causes of micromanagement can include a lack of trust in the team's capabilities and abilities, a need for control, fear of failure, or a lack of clarity around goals and expectations. 

The effects of micromanagement on employees can include reduced motivation, decreased job satisfaction, and a lack of autonomy, which can lead to disengagement and turnover of the team members. 

At the organizational level, micromanagement can result in decreased productivity and innovation, alongside increased costs and expenditures due to the time and resources required for constant supervision and monitoring.

To conquer and overcome micromanagement, leaders should always practice delegation, leaders should assign tasks and responsibilities to the qualified and appropriate team members and, at the same time provide the team members with the adequate resources and support they need to complete their work and tasks. 

Leaders can also build trust with the team by communicating expectations clearly and providing regular feedback can help leaders relinquish control and empower their employees. 

Also, leaders should focus on the outcome after setting goals and objectives for the team and thereby grant them the freedom to determine the best way to achieve the tasks. 

By practicing these techniques, leaders can build stronger relationships with their teams, improve productivity and innovation, and drive their organization toward success.

#4 Lack of Vision

A leader's vision refers to their ability to see and articulate clearly the future direction of the organization. This leadership weaknesses is required if notable success must be achieved.

There is no doubt that a clear vision can encourage, inspire, and motivate employees, align their efforts toward a common goal, and drive the organization toward success. 

However, an unclear or lack of vision can lead to confusion, disengagement, and missed opportunities.

The main cause of lack of vision is a failure to understand the organization's mission and values, and a lack of sufficient awareness of industry trends and competitors, including prioritizing short-term goals above long-term strategy. 

A lack of vision in leadership can lead to a lack of direction and purpose, decreased employee morale, and missed opportunities for growth and innovation.

To renew and improve vision, leaders secure an in-depth understanding of the organization's mission, values, and goals. Staying updated as to industrial trends and collaborating with other leaders, at the same time, employees can also help leaders develop a more informed and inclusive vision. 

Additionally, setting SMART goals, which are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, can help leaders focus their efforts and track progress toward their vision.

By improving their vision, leaders can inspire and motivate their team, align their efforts towards a common goal, and drive their organization toward success.

#5 Inability to Delegate

Delegation is an act of assigning tasks and responsibilities to others. 

Although, there are leader's job description, effective leaders delegate to competent staff members.

This common leadership weakness needs urgent attention for better leadership effectiveness with a firm leadership strategy. This indirectly holds staff accountable.

Leaders are expected to practice delegation because it is an imperative skill, this skill enables leaders to pay attention to high-level tasks and strategic planning and at the same time empowers their team to take more responsibility and develop new skills. 

The inability to delegate can result from a lack of trust in the team's abilities, a desire for control, or a fear of relinquishing responsibility. 

The outcome of an inability to delegate to leadership and employees can include increased workload and stress for the leader, a lack of development opportunities for the team, and decreased morale and engagement.

To improve delegation, leaders can start by identifying tasks that can be delegated to others, such as routine administrative tasks or projects that align with team members' skills and interests. 

Selecting the right people for the task, based on their skills, experience, and availability, can also help ensure that the task is completed successfully.

Providing clear instructions and expectations, as well as regular feedback and support, can help team members understand their roles and responsibilities and work towards achieving the desired outcome. 

Monitoring progress, through regular check-ins and progress reports, can also help leaders to ensure that the task is on track and make adjustments if necessary.

By addressing leadership weaknesses of such, leaders can reduce their workload and stress, empower their team to take on more responsibility develop new skills, and improve overall productivity and effectiveness within the organization.

#6 Lack of Accountability

This sixth in the leadership weaknesses is Accountability.

Accountability is the responsibility to answer for one's actions and decisions, both individually and as a team. 

Only a true leader can do this - You must be accountable regardless of your leadership positions to avoid constructive criticism.

Effective accountability cannot be overlooked in leadership, because it fosters transparency, a culture of trust, and responsibility within the entire organization.

Causes of a lack of accountability can include a lack of clear goals and expectations, a failure to establish consequences for failing to meet expectations or a lack of communication and feedback. 

The effects of a lack of accountability on leadership and employees can include decreased motivation and engagement, a lack of trust and respect within the team, and missed opportunities for growth and improvement.

To improve accountability, leaders are expected to set goals for themselves and the society. This improvement will create a sense of ownership and responsibility among team members. 

Leaders should always evaluate each goal for regular check-ins and progress. This will regulate and keep the team on track, identifying areas for improvement. 

Holding oneself and others accountable, through honest and constructive feedback and recognition of successes and failures, can also help to reinforce a culture of accountability within the team. 

This involves establishing consequences for failing to meet expectations, as well as celebrating achievements and recognizing when goals have been successfully met.  By improving accountability, leaders can foster a culture of trust, transparency, and responsibility within the organization, leading to increased engagement, productivity, and success.

#7 Inability to Adapt to Change

Change is an inevitable basic aspect of organizational life. 

Effective leadership is highly demanding because it requires the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and environments. This involves being able to identify and respond to new challenges and adapt to work environment, trends, and opportunities while maintaining a focus on the organization's goals and mission.

Many leaders can't endure.

Causes of an inability to adapt to change can include fear of the unknown, resistance to new ideas or processes, or a lack of awareness about industry trends and best practices. 

The effects of an inability to adapt to change on leadership and the organization can include missed opportunities for growth and improvement, decreased competitiveness, and decreased morale and engagement among employees.

To be an effective leader, start by embracing change and being open to new ideas and perspectives. This involves staying informed about industry trends and best practices, seeking feedback from others, and being willing to take calculated risks and try new approaches. 

Leaders should cultivate the basic characteristics of leadership which include open-mindedness, flexibility, and willingness to experiment with new ideas and processes.

Finally, being able to communicate the need for change to the team and to create a shared vision and sense of purpose can help to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals. 

By improving adaptability, leaders can ensure that the organization can respond effectively to changing circumstances and environments, leading to increased competitiveness, growth, and success.


What is a leadership weakness?

Leadership weakness is the characteristic of leadership or personality traits that may lead to negative actions and ultimately impact performance or the work environment. Among those are: poor listening skills, poor communication skills, poor job ethic.

What are the weaknesses of a manager?

A lack of managerial skills is an obstacle to growth and reducing productivity of employee teams. Management employs small managerial practices to inhibit personal independence, creating an environment of dependence and diminished motivation. 

What are the weakness of a new leader?

Failure in setting boundaries is a common weakness in leadership. Failure to define the tasks and behaviours needed for a given job may lead to miscommunication and confusion about how employees should work. 

What are some leadership weaknesses?

The most common leadership weaknesses are poor communication, lack of empathy, micromanagement, inability to delegate effectively, indecisiveness, and lack of accountability.

What are your top 3 weaknesses as a leader?

As a leader, my top three weaknesses are sometimes struggling with delegation, not always giving enough recognition and feedback to my team, and being overly critical of myself and others.

How will you assess your own strengths and weaknesses as a leader?

Effective leaders should be able to evaluate themselves through self-reflection, seeking feedback from others, and regular performance.

What are your 5 key weaknesses?

Identifying key weaknesses as a leader can be a personal process, but common ones include poor delegation, lack of empathy, difficulty managing conflict, resistance to change, and fear of failure.

What are the 3 main leadership challenges you are facing today?

The main leadership challenges I am currently facing include keeping my team motivated and engaged while working remotely, balancing competing priorities and goals, and staying ahead of industry trends and changes.

What are the positive weaknesses of a leader?

Positive weaknesses of a leader may include being overly passionate or ambitious, having high standards and expectations, being detail-oriented, and being a perfectionist.

How do you evaluate your weaknesses?

Evaluating weaknesses can be done through self-reflection, seeking feedback from others, and regular performance evaluations. Most importantly, be open and honest with yourself and pay the price to become the better version of yourself.

Should a leader show weakness?

Leaders should be authentic and transparent with their team, which may include acknowledging and addressing their weaknesses. Showing vulnerability can help build trust and strengthen relationships with team members.

What are the barriers to leadership?

Barriers to leadership can include a lack of resources, resistance to change, difficult team dynamics, and limited opportunities for growth and development.

What are the obstacles in leadership?

Obstacles in leadership can include managing a diverse team, navigating conflicts and difficult conversations, adapting to changes in the business environment, and managing competing priorities and goals.

What is the hardest part of leadership?

The hardest part of leadership is determined by the respective individuals, but some of the most common strategies that confront leaders are the load of managing diverse terms at a time, the rigor of decision-making, and balancing competing priorities and goals.  Additionally, maintaining motivation and engagement among team members can also be a challenge.

Wrapping up

The success of any organization highly depends on the quality of its leadership style. Honestly, even the so-called best leaders can have bundles of weaknesses that impede their acts of leadership. 

To overcome these weaknesses, leaders can take several steps, such as conducting regular self assessments, improving communication skills, conflict resolution, prioritizing tasks and delegating responsibilities, trusting and empowering employees, setting clear goals and expectations, tracking progress, providing constructive feedback, and embracing change. 

Strong leadership is essential for building a personal brand, a positive organizational culture, achieving business goals, and maximizing employee engagement and productivity. Continuous improvement is the key!

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Psalmist Timmy

Psalmist Timmy is an internet entrepreneur with expertise in digital marketing, copywriting, e-commerce management, and web development. He has successfully launched and scaled multiple online ventures using his skills in SEO, content marketing, social media, and email marketing. In 2023, he was recognized as a valued and expert content writer by one of the esteemed lecturers in the STE Department, Dr. Olasunkanmi, University of Ibadan (First and the Best), and was honored to give a co-lecture presentation to his fellow students on a topic tagged "Online Content Authoring. Connect with him below." youtube linkedin instagram facebook twitter

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