How to Become a Social Worker and Make an Impact

Who is a Social Worker?

hands facing different directions

Before we dive into concept of how to become a social worker. Let explore who a social worker is. 

The English Dictionary describes social work as any of several professions concerned with providing social services to members of the community. So persons who, in different and specific capacities provide social services to members of the community are Social workers.

A social worker works with the cause-and-effect mechanism. If there's a problem, a situation, or even a difficulty, they find the cause and strive to stop or minimize its outgrowing effect. They understand how that effect is sponsored by a cause, and that man lives in a society/environment and can be influenced by its environment.

With the knowledge that man lives in a society/environment, they can bring into light the link between man and his society and how the environment affects man and vice versa.

Social workers are the people you would find when it seems as though you're on your own on particular issues.

They are passionate about solving problems and relieving people of their sufferings and challenges. They are ready to work and walk with one on their different challenges until accurate solutions and measures are implemented.

Social workers can be found in schools, hospitals, communities, private organizations, public or government organizations, and numerous centers.

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Is Social work the same as voluntary service?

It is interesting to be awed by the different contributions and supports they add to situations. 

The question now is, are they voluntary workers? It's a great idea to help people right? Are they paid for their services? Or do they do it out of goodwill?

In Atomic Habits, James Clear gave the scenario of when he (young John Clear) was hit by a classmate with a baseball bat, and how he was to undergo some medical treatments. 

He had made mention of the presence of a Social worker who helped to comfort his parents during those trying times.

It's imperative to note that social workers actually study to become social workers. 

Social work is an occupation. 

Yes. Emphasis on 'occupation', that's because you can ask someone and the person would proudly identify as a social worker, just as a medical doctor would identify as a medical practitioner.

Unlike a medical practitioner who spends 6-7 years in school, a social worker spends 4 years to bag a Bachelor's degree in Social work (BSW). 

Getting more interesting right?

Stay with me.

A medical doctor has a goal of getting employed in a hospital or a medical-related setting, and the aim; is to work with his or her certificate. So is a typical social worker.

What a Social worker does is directly related to their specialty. A Child Welfare and Family Social worker strives for the improvement of a challenge or challenges facing their clients or vice versa.

There are three levels of Social work. 

They are grouped according to the number of people they work with and for.

Levels of Social Workers

  • Micro Level: The micro-level social workers work directly with individual persons, families, and other small groups.
  • Mezzo Level: They render services at the group level. Unlike the micro level that deals with individualized and personal matters, the mezzo level social workers work with groups of families.
  • Macro Level: They also work with communities and large organizations or systems

What exactly does a social worker do? 

a lady and her team during a social work service

The job of every social worker is grouped into various categories.

Categories of Social Workers

Let's take a look at some of the categories of Social Workers

In as much as social workers vary in the type of service or help they render, they all strive towards a uniform goal: to make life better.

First on our list is;

Child Welfare and Family Social Worker

A Child Welfare and Family Social worker falls in the micro category- dealing with personal life. Sandra, a seventeen-year-old Student was impregnated and as a man of culture, her father swore to send her out of the house if she did not tell who impregnated her. Someone in their house recommends Miss B who intervened in the matter.

Are you curious about how she resolved it? 

Let's see together

Miss B, a certified social worker with a Master of Social Work degree (MSW) came to the rescue by getting really close to Sandra that she was able to get her to speak the truth about the pregnancy. 

The guy's (the father of the unborn) parents were informed, and negotiations were made. Sandra's parents had to come to terms with the condition and were able to still be the loving parents they had once been to Sandra.

School Social Worker

These sets of social workers are majorly seen within the four walls of schools. They cater to the needs of academically challenged students. 

They are their greatest motivators. 

They make sure to address issues combating affected students. 

They work closely with the teachers to unravel educational failings and problems.

Bolu used to be a very smart kid in class. All of a sudden, his grades began to drop, all to the disturbance of his parents. 

Different strategies were implemented. His seats were changed severally. His teacher had to hold extra classes for him, but all but all fell through.

The school's social worker was however brought in, and like a fairy with a magic wand, she was able to detect a bullying case. Bolu was always bullied on his way home every day after school. The abuse was so much that school which he so much loved became what he dreaded the most.

Criminal Justice and Correction Social Worker

After several warnings to quit working with Ade and the boys, Sola got implicated. Who would listen to Sola's innocent plea? Who would vindicate him? 

His parents have been thrown into confusion since the incident. They didn't know who to believe. They have warned their son severally, but Sola has chosen wisely to turn his damaged ear to them

Light came to the officers when Mr Wisdom was consulted. Sola's parents had a relative heard about his competence so they thought to give him a trial. Mr Wisdom was intelligent enough to suspect that it was a crime with a plot to implicate innocent Sola. Ade and the boys as they are popularly called, were however taken to a rehab home, an idea recommended by... You know the name

From the various Social Workers' duties highlighted, we can see how social workers have indeed come to stay to proffer solutions to problems that may seem insurmountable.

Attributes of a Social Worker that will make an impact 

  • Who never sees a problem and shies away because of its complexities.
  • Who makes sure to make life easier for their clients.
  • Who will not allow the vulnerable to be beaten.
  • Who will not allow the innocent to go unvindicated.
  • Who makes sure that bullying does not hinder a child's academics.
  • Who helps mitigate and solve people's problems and challenges
  • Who helps bring the best out of the worst person, etc.

So much substance in one group of people.


How to Become a Social Worker?

Is everything striking cords in you, you feel like this is something you're passionate about? 

Are you resonating well with all that's been said here? 

Then, you are cut off for this.


To be a social worker and not just any type- but the type that wants to make an impact in the body (Social work). Get yourself a degree in social work, and there you are, on the journey of making great impacts.

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Become a Social Worker and Make a Lasting Impact 

1. Who is a Social Worker?

Social workers are people who in different and specific capacities provide social services to members of the community.

They are ready to work and walk with one on their different challenges until accurate solutions and measures are implemented.

2. What are the roles of Social Workers?

Their roles are according to their area of specialty. The role of a  Child Welfare and Family Social worker is different from the School social worker, which in turn is different from the Criminal Justice and Corrections Social worker and the different types of social workers.

3. What are the examples of Social workers? 

Examples of social workers include Child Welfare and Family Social workers, Medical Social workers, and School social workers, Criminal justice and corrections social workers, and Community social workers, amongst others.

Wrapping up on How to Become a Social Worker

Sola got vindicated, and Ade and the boys were given another chance to prove themselves as responsible students, Sandra on the other hand, got the love of her parents back, while Bolu got his freedom, as an extension his grades back. 

These and many more advantages that are not listed are bellied in the heart of social workers.

You probably are envisioning a career in Social work. You sure on the right track. 

If it's a drive towards humanity and making life easy and problem-free, social work is sure for you. 

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Psalmist Timmy

Psalmist Timmy is an internet entrepreneur with expertise in digital marketing, copywriting, e-commerce management, and web development. He has successfully launched and scaled multiple online ventures using his skills in SEO, content marketing, social media, and email marketing. In 2023, he was recognized as a valued and expert content writer by one of the esteemed lecturers in the STE Department, Dr. Olasunkanmi, University of Ibadan (First and the Best), and was honored to give a co-lecture presentation to his fellow students on a topic tagged "Online Content Authoring. Connect with him below." youtube linkedin instagram facebook twitter

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