Dailylight channel video gallery

Welcome to our official video playlist page. On this page, you have access to all the videos on our YouTube channel. 

You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel here, YouTube will directly notify you anytime we publish new educational and informational video content.

Go ahead and start exploring our video playlists to access any video of your choice.

All these playlists are updated daily. So, always check out this page for new video content you will love to watch at all times.

PLAYLIST I: Global and local scholarship opportunities

Here is a playlist that contains UPDATED SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES with educational and step-by-step guidelines on how to process scholarship opportunities, grants, and empowerment programs in and outside Nigeria.

PLAYLIST II: Life Nuggets

Information is currency! If all you have is money, you are poor.

This is a playlist that helps you to access informational content on lifestyle in general, tips, and tricks you need to strike a balance in every aspect of your life. Irrespective of where you are starting from you will find all the information you need to win and thrive in life on this playlist.


PLAYLIST III: Educational content to grow holistically

Everything on this video playlist is to bring out the best in you.


PLAYLIST IV: Motivational content for thriving at all time

If you are down, think of giving up. We recommend this powerful playlist for you.



Over time, we anticipate expanding this video gallery with worthwhile video content. 

– Last Updated: August 29, 2024